When less and simple produce significantly more
Last February, I wrote about the importance of reducing the size of your event website. Specifically, size measured in the total number of individual pages users can publicly see on your event...
View ArticleThe art of online to offline event promotion
There was a time when testing a piece of advertising took days, weeks, or months with traditional media. Today, you can do the same within hours or days using the Internet for a fraction of the cost....
View ArticleThe event marketing - meatgrinder questions
In the mid-2000s, I was at an event conference in Las Vegas. A friend of mine had invited me to a "who's-who's" evening party at the Bellagio. During the party, I met an event organizer from...
View ArticleInadvertently slaughtering a golden goose
A few weeks ago, I spoke with a Canadian event organizer about their number one marketing asset. That asset is the "goose that lays golden eggs." And everyone has one. Your golden goose comes in the...
View ArticleTaking advantage of the event tease
One of the biggest mistakes I see with many event marketing campaigns is the desire to tell people everything at once.With rare exception, a "tell all at once" approach rarely pay dividends. Especially...
View ArticleA ginormous online advertising mistake
This morning, I found myself scrolling through Facebook for market research. I was attempting to have a re-targeted Facebook ad display for an event in Ohio. Surprisingly, the advertisement I was...
View ArticleFor all the technological terror, this works better
About ten years ago, an event client conducted an onsite informal marketing survey. Event attendees were asked a question in exchange for a can of soda (pop).The survey consisted of a straightforward...
View Article"Can I buy you a drink?"
Last month, I attended a marketing session on social media and using data analytics to drive ticket sales. Overall there were several great points.During the session, one of the presenters shared their...
View ArticleBeing stuck in a "we're so cool" industry mindset
In December, I attended a paid industry seminar on using Social Media to drive event ticket sales. Two of the presenters were clients, so I was there in a support capacity. It was great to see that the...
View ArticleKicking ad agency "kickbacks" to the curb
Over the years, I've been involved in several media buying negotiations for clients. In almost every instance the people trying to sell advertising to clients want to (figuratively & probably...
View ArticleOften neglected voicemail marketing
When marketing is discussed, you often hear about online and traditional (offline) opportunities.Rarely, if ever, is leveraging voicemail discussed. And to avoid any confusion, we're not talking about...
View ArticleAsking about too many rows of zeros
Depending on the project and timeframe, I often find myself crunching daily ticket sales reports. Typically, it's a tedious and uneventful process.In this case, the ticket reporting for an event showed...
View ArticleHaving an event advertising alignment process
Back in 2006, I was introduced to the marketing genius of Eben Pagan. Eben's focus is on selling dating advice and business growth advice. Both of the previous topics are seemingly unrelated, yet...
View Article"Goats in Trees" and "Underwater Dogs"
In 2018, I found myself in a fascinating discussion with a European event organizer.During a marketing seminar, the topic of email marketing was broached. Specifically, the number of marketing emails...
View ArticleFrom Woodstock to Tomorrowland (Belgium)
Recently, I encouraged subscribers to watch a YouTube video on the unboxing of event tickets. The tickets were for an event called Tomorrowland.Even if you have zero interest in music festivals, I...
View ArticleTrying to rescue cats that can't be found
If you can keep a secret, read on ... (If not, no worries, catch ya tomorrow!)In my sparsely spare time, I help my lady rescue abandon and outdoor felines. It's everyone's hope that engaging in such...
View ArticleBeware event convention hucksters and charlatans
In the world of business, dollars mean the difference between success and bankruptcy. This axiom is universal and applicable to every business and event. Put bluntly, if you can't pay your bills, you...
View ArticleA crazy question with massive mileage
Years ago, I was out to dinner with the Chairman of the Board for a client.At the time, I asked a question to our restaurant waiter that the Chairman found to be unique. The next time I met with the...
View ArticleAre you just jealous or really hungry to learn?
With the days that have passed, I reflect on a few nuggets of event wisdom. Specifically, last month's observations at an international conference of event organizers.If you haven't had an opportunity,...
View ArticleOpening your event tickets like Christmas presents
In 2018, I found myself in Antwerp, Belgium for a speaking engagement. During a small group coaching session, I was asked if I had heard of Tomorrowland.My initial response was, "As in Disney's...
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