In case you missed it, the new Star Wars "Rise of Skywalker" trailer was released back in October. Even if you're not a fan of "the Force," stick with me here.
While everyone in the galaxy is focused on how many views the new trailer receives, I'd encourage you to look elsewhere. Specifically, at the movie's ticket revenue numbers. As with the Disney/Marvel movies, rarely if ever are the actual number of tickets sold reported. It's all about ticket sales in the form of total revenue. And that's key!
Yes, your event revenue is directly related to how many tickets you sell. But instead of focusing on the number of tickets you need to sell … focus on the potential income from ticket sales.
If you're selling just one ticket type, could you offer a different kind of ticket?
How about a free event. Could you sell a VIP ticket?
Clients have sold more than USD 1MM of VIP tickets to open gate events. In one case charging over USD 3,000 for a VIP ticket … to a free event.
In every instance the initial sentiment was, "that's impossible!" Or, "you're crazy!" Until they tried it and the rest is history.
Food for thought!